HomeCall for tenders

Call for tenders

This page is used to publish calls for tenders issued by our company as part of transparency and an open selection process. Here you will find all relevant documents related to the tenders we have published, including the conditions and requirements for applicants.

Our goal is to ensure a fair and transparent procurement process. For more information, please read the attached documents. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Information about the calls for tenders

2022 - “Sewing / gluing machine for large-format boxes”

Call for tenders

Call for tenders as part of the procurement process, in accordance with the currently valid Unified Manual for Applicants / Beneficiaries regarding the process and control of public procurement / procurement (version 2), corrigendum effective from June 17, 2022.

Title of the contract subject: “Sewing / gluing machine for large-format boxes”
Date of issue: November 30, 2022


Files for download:

Vyzva_na_predkladanie_ponuk_2022_11_30 – PDF

Vyzva_na_predkladanie_ponuk_2022_11_30 – DOCX

Záznam z prieskumu trhu – PDF

2020 - “Supply of intelligent automated workstations”

Tender evaluation report:

Tender evaluation report within the procurement process (contract over 100,000 EUR excluding VAT) according to the currently valid manual for the public procurement process for demand-driven projects and national projects under the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, version 3.1, published on June 16, 2020, on the website www.opvai.sk

Title of the contract subject: “Supply of intelligent automated workstations”
Date of issue: October 6, 2020

Files for download:

Zápisnica z vyhodnotenia ponúk – PDF

Call for tenders

Call for tenders within the procurement process (contract over 100,000 EUR excluding VAT) according to the currently valid manual for the public procurement process for demand-driven projects and national projects of the Integrated Infrastructure Operational Program under the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, version 3.1, published on June 16, 2020, on the website www.opvai.sk

Title of the contract subject: “Supply of intelligent automated workstations”
Date of issue: October 6, 2020

Files for download:
Výzva na predkladanie ponúk – PDF
Výzva na predkladanie ponúk – DOCX


Call for tenders within the survey process:

Call for tenders within the market survey conducted for the purpose of objectively determining the actual costs within the preparation of the project application (in accordance with the principle of economy/eligibility of expenses – analogous to determining the estimated value of the contract according to §6 of the Public Procurement Act).

Title of the contract subject: „“Supply of intelligent automated workstations”
Date of issue: October 6, 2020

Files for download:
Výzva na predkladanie ponúk – PDF
Príloha č. 1a – Špecifikácia I. časti predmetu zákazky.xlsx
Príloha č. 1b – Špecifikácia II. časti predmetu zákazky.xlsx
Príloha č. 1c – Špecifikácia III. časti predmetu zákazky.xlsx
Príloha č. 2a – Kalkulácia ceny I. časti predmetu zákazky.docx
Príloha č. 2b – Kalkulácia ceny II. časti predmetu zákazky.docx
Príloha č. 2c – Kalkulácia ceny III. časti predmetu zákazky.docx
Príloha č. 3 – Návod, pokyny, inštrukcie pre vypĺňanie špecifikácie predmetu zákazky.docx

V čom vynikáme?


Návšteva zákazníka

Zoznámime sa s potrebami zákazníka a jeho produktom.


Zber informácií

Fixácia, veľkosť, druh materiálu, pevnosť, farby, druh papiera a pod.


3D návrh

Po vytvorení 3D návrhu vyrobíme zákazníkovi vzroku na plotri.



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